Monday, March 31, 2008

1973 California Jam - Deep Purple sticks it to ABC...

Here's the legend: ABC televised the 1973 California Jam which Emerson Lake and Palmer headlined(!) right after Purple (poor bastards). Supposedly, Purple specifically stated in the contract that they were to perform at or after sundown (presumably for the full effect of their light show). Well unlike most rock festivals, this one was ahead of schedule and Purple were asked to go on before sundown and Guitarist Ritchie Blackmore (known even then to be "temperamental") locked himself in his dressing room and refused to come out. The suits at ABC supposedly threatened to call the cops and have Blackmore arrested and Blackmore finally relented and went onstage but at the end of their set Blackmore took out his anger on an ABC camera and almost blew the whole damn stage up! He impulsively told his roadie to pour some gas into one of his amp heads and light it which he did with the results you see here! Supposedly ABC was livid and had the cops ready to arrest him after the show but the group was already arranged to leave the gig by helicopter, which they did and and made their way back to the hotel and then very quickly flew back overseas via regular airline thus avoiding the strong arm of the law!

Whew!...... Long story but part of Rock n Roll folklore! enjoy!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Borat - Throw the Jew Down the Well!!

**First of all, this is a comedy bit! From the comedic genius of Cohen..(Borat) .Don't take it seriously,,,Cohen himself is jewish ...(hence the joke.....)

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Here are your new democratic nominees....!

According to some genealogists Hillary and Obama are not only 9th cousins..but related to Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie....personally I would rather have Pitt and Jolie in the White House....! We should have new currency printed for the best looking First Couple in American history! .

Brangelina for President!!!

Monday, March 24, 2008

Eliot Spitzer sex scandal, See what tax $ Might have paid for!

You get what you pay for.....! This is meant as a non-judgmental look at the type of organization this politician was supposedly consorting with. Which we as taxpayers of all states deserve to know.... It is not a condemnation or blessing of whatever took place...... if anything did.... which is his and his creator's business.... IMHO!
P.S. I'll take that blonde in the black "pajamas"! :) ....... to testify that is ...! before a court if there is a trial....(yeah..thats it! ;)

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Who said Romance is dead?...

Around my neck I wear a belongs to the one who loves me as I am....I may have met her already or not...(?) ..but it bears the inscription.."To One Far Away"... ..because I feel she is far away....but one day I will meet her.. ..... I 'm glad to lighten the mood at the party....! Happy Easter!

Cheers all...

The Nomad

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Roid Rage:

Now the washington suits want to investigate Roger Clemens and others for using HGH ?(Human Growth Hormone) My question: Where can I get some? Isn't there a war somewhere or houses being lost by American families left and right? ....and washington is holding hearings over whether a guy who throws a baseball took some injection of basically an energy booster?? They can't control iraq but they want to throw the book at baseball players....makes sense to me!!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Is it all over yet? (yawn)...

......hello?....I have just apparently awoken from a deep and badly needed hibernation....are the elections over? I assume the Pats beat the cowboys...and that actress that plays Ugly Betty was Mr. Amigo........well, I will be posting at my former feverish pace ;) now that spring has sprung! Cheers to all!

The Nomad